Tuesday 24 July 2012

Class Exercise

Define & Example of the terms


a kind or sort of artistic composition, such as literature or movie, distinguished by similarities in style or method.

Examples of genre in movies or books - adventure/ historical/ action/ science fiction/ crime


an overused expression or idea, lacking any novelty and mental effort, that is turning into stereotyped.

Examples -"Once upon a time..." in the beginning of the story


the usual or fixed idea that people have about what a common type of person is like, especially an idea that is wrong.

Example - King Louie in the jungle book


a person who has strong disagreement feelings or is competing with another as a hero in a drama or movie. 

Example - The actor has been identified as a gangster. 


the leading role or main character who is like a hero or heroine in the movie or other literary work.

Example - Spider Man is a hero in the movie of "Spider Man".

Supporting Character 

the character who performs and supports to the main character or other features in drama or movie.

Example - editor "Perry White" in the superman comic book

Comic Relief

an amusing scene, remarks or incident presented into essential or catastrophic element as in a play, emotional tension of the relief especially in a drama or comic episode.

Example - "Louis" who is a friendly, jazz-loving, big-lipped alligator in "The princess and the frog".


the process or creation of the image of imaginary person, otherwise, the way in which authors convey information about their character represented in fiction or drama.

Example - In the Harry Potter book series, "Harry Potter" has been discovered a wizard when he is eleven years old.


a general idea derived or inferred from specific situations or incidences.


an idea or a subject in a piece of writing, speech, film,etc. 


the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations of producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone


 the one active sentence in the story, focusing on the concept, the main character and main conflict. 

Character Bio

the personal detail of the character in the story or film


a brief or condensed statement giving a general view of some subject.


the plot of the story, novel or movie.


the act or manner in which someone behaves towards or deals with someone or something.

Development Hell 

the media-jargon for a film or television and it is a period during which a film or other project is trapped in development.